Looking Forward to 2021

I choose this image to sum up my feeling about the Year 2020:

A Word from My Inner Monet

Check here for my 202 0opes and Dreams.

What am I looking forward to for 2021?

Well, my brain tumor decided to return with a vengeance at the end of 2020, leaving me partially blind and with an uncertain future.

My Hopes? To maintain the stability of the sight that I have and retire on disability. Technically I am legally blind and cannot continue my work. But I can see well enough to continue with my photography. And there is a slim chance of visual improvement.

Right now I am waiting….Patience. As my surgeons try to decide if more surgery will help……

Hopefully Next Year will be better!

So I am going to go ahead and make plans for 2021, including photographic plans:

+Of course, continuing my own Blog

+Working with Pre-194’s cameras for My Inner Monet

+Continuing with the Frugal Film Project

+Continuing the Thursday Doors

+Continuing the Inspired By Series

+Adding more Pinhole work, consistent with My Inner Monet…..

+Occasionally entering contests; although not a high priority.

So I am Looking Forward to a Happy, Healthy and Productive 2021

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