Category Archives: Nature

An irrigation ditch at Twin Lakes

 Near the Avery brewery in Boulder county is an open space named Twin Lakes. Along the eastern side of the one of the reservoirs is an old irrigation ditch. We thought the flowing water and the dense vegetation made for an interesting photograph.  This image was made sometime this last summer. We plan to head back and capture the same scene with snow and bare trees sometime this winter.

This image was made with a Mamiya 7 and Kodak Portra film.


First, my banner image which is Digital IR. And an alternate view that I decided not to use:

Tell me if you agree with my choice………..

Above, two camera angles of the same Cacti…….

And an interesting rock formation……with a Saguaro, of course.


Continuing my IR studies, I’m including here my Nikon-1 images here. The Nikon-1 has bee converted to a full spectrum camera and I ‘selected’ the IR spectral range using a filter. First some striking Joshua Trees:

Next Week we’ll actually look at some of the Saguaros………..

Looking Forward to 2021

I choose this image to sum up my feeling about the Year 2020:

A Word from My Inner Monet

Check here for my 202 0opes and Dreams.

What am I looking forward to for 2021?

Well, my brain tumor decided to return with a vengeance at the end of 2020, leaving me partially blind and with an uncertain future.

My Hopes? To maintain the stability of the sight that I have and retire on disability. Technically I am legally blind and cannot continue my work. But I can see well enough to continue with my photography. And there is a slim chance of visual improvement.

Right now I am waiting….Patience. As my surgeons try to decide if more surgery will help……

Hopefully Next Year will be better!

So I am going to go ahead and make plans for 2021, including photographic plans:

+Of course, continuing my own Blog

+Working with Pre-194’s cameras for My Inner Monet

+Continuing with the Frugal Film Project

+Continuing the Thursday Doors

+Continuing the Inspired By Series

+Adding more Pinhole work, consistent with My Inner Monet…..

+Occasionally entering contests; although not a high priority.

So I am Looking Forward to a Happy, Healthy and Productive 2021