Tag Archives: Splash of Color

Last Word from the Garden: Velvia 50 vs. E100

As we have seen, there’s not a great difference in the color rendition for the Flowers from my Garden. Here are the final flower examples from the last roll from my Garden.  I didn’t get to work much with the Poppies or Peonies because they were wiped out by a storm.

For all images the E100 is on the left and Velvia 50 is on the right.  In the case of the Peonies above, the E100 is actually more saturated.  And I believe that same could be said of the Iris below.  Go figure……


Again, no real difference in the Torch Lilies below (genus Kniphofia).


And for the Turkish Poppies…….one can say that the E100 has a richer color.


So my Garden didn’t really tell me anything.  I know from earlier Landscape work that the E100 seemed Cold. And Flowers from the Mayo Clinic Cactus Garden were off color also for E100. My last roll of film comparison will be landscapes from the Snowy Range of Wyoming.  I will be using a warming filter, so we’ll see what difference that makes.  And a surprising choice for my color film going forward……



My Gardening Update


The Crocuses have made their appearance and My Gardening Season has begun………


Irises, Daffodils, Tulips and Oriental Poppies are sprouting……….


As I have started working on my 2020 Garden, I’ve remembered to Update my Flowers and Gardening from 2019, Featuring the Mayo Clinic Cactus Garden. And Let’s take a final look back at the Lovely Flanders Poppies from 2019:


This Flander’s Poppy is now hangng on my Family Room Wall.

Frugal Film Project: Roll #1

From our Last Snowy Day in May……..After Mother’s Day at the Waneka Lake Boat House.  And I did manage to get my June Offering to the Frugal Film Project posted on Instagram….






Alternate 5-Frames: Carhenge

5 Frames of Kodak Portra 400, Exposed @ ISO 320 (6X7 120 Format) by Kathleen E. Johnson

On August 21, 2017, thousands of people converged on Alliance, Nebraska, as one of the prime Solar Eclipse viewing locations in North America. NO you are not going to see eclipse images, but a bit of Americana I had heard of (probably on 60 Minutes as a child), but never thought that I would visit: CARHENGE. We thought about stopping by on Eclipse Day, but the traffic proved unmanageable.

The following November, we had an opportunity to return to Alliance and made our visitation. It was a lovely, sunny, November day.  And walking amongst the Cars, it proved much more photogenic than I had expected.

It seems like ages ago, but in 1990 I had an opportunity to visit the real Stonehenge. Those photos were terrible, so you’ll never get to see them here. But I can say the advantage of Carhenge is that it’s a true life-size model that you can walk around and experience as the Ancient Ones may have done at the real Stonehenge. And it has become a focus for sculpture built from car parts. But that’s another story…….

The camera was my favorite Mamiya 7 with the 43 mm lens. All exposures @f/8, and shutter speeds of 1/125 to 1/250 to capture details in the shadows. In my experience Portra Films have a wide exposure latitude. At ISO 320 color saturation is more true to life than Portra 160. I’ve settled on Portra 400 as my color film.

P.S Okay you can see my Eclipse Images on film HERE.

Alternate 5-Frames: HearseCon 2018

So here we go.  I’ve decided to re-publish my Emulsive Articles here, after this particular submission disappeared into the ether of the internet.  I explained my position and recommendations on the subject here. All re-publishings will be marked as “Alternate”.

So here is Alternate 5-Frames HearseCon 2018:

5 Frames of Lomo 400, Exposed @ ISO 400 (645 120 Format) by Kathleen Johnson

Here is an introduction to a local festival that may surprise you! And a camera that I have not mentioned before, although it is featured in my contributor’s portrait: My Fuji GA645Zi. This is my medium format street photography choice because of the auto focus and zoom capabilities. Read the Camera Review on EMULSIVE here. I’m not so negative about that camera as the reviewer. I wanted a ’point and shoot’ medium format camera and that’s what it is.

Now for the Festival: HearseCon 2018. Yes it is what it sounds like, an annual convention held here in the Denver area for Hearse Enthusiasts. They come from all across the Western US and Canada, some with beautifully restored Hearses, as you will see here today. Think of HearseCon as a Goth Cultural Experience for Grown-Ups and you’ve got the Picture. There are Hearse Show events across the country if you ever want to experience one, but I think this is one of the largest.

In the past I’ve used B&W film for HearseCon, because I thought it would capture the grittiness of the event. Last year I tried Lomo Lady Grey 400, but I wasn’t satisfied with the results using this particular film, and I’ve found the GA645Zi shines best with color film. So I pulled out the Lomo 400 Color, because I didn’t quite want the sharpness of Portra 400. In other words, Lomo 400 has a bit more grain and that suits the subject matter. Sometimes hard to know what the focus point will be with the GS645Zi, but the subject turned out very sharp anyway……..



About the Car: My bad, I took a cell phone picture of the information sign, but didn’t write anything down (and didn’t check the image before leaving). The joke was on me because I couldn’t read the sign later. But thanks to the Internet I was able to narrow down the Model and Year. Above is likely a Vintage 1937 Buick model, Sayers and Scoville Byzantine Hearse with a straight-8 engine. The Owners were from Utah. Sayers and Scoville is still building custom hearses.

You’ll find more HearseCon Images Past & Present Here.


Somehow Interesting……

Sometimes you see an image, and know that it has to be captured, even if an unconventional subject.


Which Crop do You Prefer?


I think what I really like is the water fountain.  So maybe I’ll try a closer crop?

Let’s Take A Break………

Let’s take a break from all of the Artistic Seriousness.  Sometimes photography should just be FUN!  So I’ll share with you A tasty morsel from our Team Building Garden at work: Courtesy of Team Plantform….


And it was VERY YUMMY!


I’ve also tagged this as an ‘Intersection’, because Gardening is its own Art Form……