Category Archives: Contests

Looking Forward to 2021

I choose this image to sum up my feeling about the Year 2020:

A Word from My Inner Monet

Check here for my 202 0opes and Dreams.

What am I looking forward to for 2021?

Well, my brain tumor decided to return with a vengeance at the end of 2020, leaving me partially blind and with an uncertain future.

My Hopes? To maintain the stability of the sight that I have and retire on disability. Technically I am legally blind and cannot continue my work. But I can see well enough to continue with my photography. And there is a slim chance of visual improvement.

Right now I am waiting….Patience. As my surgeons try to decide if more surgery will help……

Hopefully Next Year will be better!

So I am going to go ahead and make plans for 2021, including photographic plans:

+Of course, continuing my own Blog

+Working with Pre-194’s cameras for My Inner Monet

+Continuing with the Frugal Film Project

+Continuing the Thursday Doors

+Continuing the Inspired By Series

+Adding more Pinhole work, consistent with My Inner Monet…..

+Occasionally entering contests; although not a high priority.

So I am Looking Forward to a Happy, Healthy and Productive 2021

Light, Space & Time: 2021 Women’s Competition

My Submission for the Light, Space & Time 2021 Women’s Competition:

Still time to enter if you like……..

Summary of the #CameraChallenge from ILFORDPhoto

I decided to summarize my participation in the @ILFORDPhoto #CameraChallenge on Twitter, and posted on my Long’s Peak Journal.

@ILFORDPhoto and @_JasonAvery sponsor Photo Challenges on Twitter……..


#filmphotography @ILFORDPhoto




Holga Week: Film on its way

I did most of my shooting over the weekend at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. I was using Lomo Purple, and now it’s on it’s way to Old School Photo Labs

We’ll see how the images turn out!

Holga Week 2020 Starts Tomorrow!

Holga Week is Oct 1-7, 2020. So get out that Holga (or buy one, there’s still time). This Year I am pulling out my last couple of rolls of Lomo Purple. We’ll see what the Holga can do with this.

See my earlier Lomo Purple Work Here.

You may find some helpful hints….

Kodak E100 vs. Fuji Velvia 50: The Showdown Begins

I have to admit that I was disappointed with early my 35 mm E100 results.  I felt that the film was cold and realized that it was based on the old E100G, a film I only used with a warming filter.  My favorite of the old Kodak E-6 films was E100GX, the warm toned film.  I used it extensively in Patagonia and mourned its loss.  You can also check out our first Patagonia Calendar.

But I digress.  Let’s get back to the purpose of this study: Kodak E100 versus Fuji Velvia 50.  After my E100 doubts I happened upon this old Velvia 50 image of Boreas Pass and thought about a comparative test:


So I set up my two Mamiya 6X7’s for the test.  There was one difference:  The Velvia 50 camera had a 43 mm lens and the E100 camera had a 50 mm lens.  We can debate if that makes a difference, but for Showdown Part II, I’ll be using matching camera set ups.  So hold your argument for later.

Here are the side-by-sides: Think about which is which and I’ll tell you at the end.Peacocks_E100Peacocks_Velvia50


Details regarding what I learned from this Owl are discussed in my next posting…………


In all cases the top image is Kodak E100 and the bottom image is Fuji Velvia 50.  There were no adjustments made to color balance.  You may note that the Velvia 50 images are more color saturated and have some purple or pink in the sky.  The E100 is less saturated and has a colder sky. Now it’s up to you.  Which do you prefer?  Keep in mind that this is an overcast sky.  So I’ll add one more pair.  I wanted to capture my purple house, but in the morning the house was too dark.  But you can see that with a clear sky the Velvia 50 (bottom image) has the saturated blue sky:


The snow is still holding that purple cast in the Velvia 50 image.  E100 has a truer presentation of the snow.  Comments, perspectives appreciated.

Next, we’ll take a look at my Garden Flowers using my Mamiya 645’s both with 80 mm macro lenses..  Since I have something blooming all summer, I’m shooting two rolls of each film throughout my gardening season, and I’ll post as I go……..

Snow Sculpture I: A Retrospective

We missed the Snow Sculpture Competition this year due to bad colds and last year due to, well you know what………

Since I’ve never posted anything here regarding the Snow Sulptures, I’ve decided to do a best of Retrospective.  And Hoping to make it next years……Let’s Start with 2017:




Rethinking the “Now Showing” Page, Does it Really Matter?

A quote from Linda Ronstadt:

“You do it for the work.  If you are doing it for the prizes, you are in big trouble”

and a Quote from Cole Thompson:

“In the past I’ve considered those accolades as the evidence of my success, but I now think differently. My success is no longer measured by the length of my resume, but rather by how I feel about the art that I create. While I do enjoy exhibiting, seeing my work published and meeting people who appreciate my art, this is an extra benefit of creating, but not success itself.”

I’ve been through this thought process before.  But this time a different twist.  Now showing will be going dark for a while.  I haven’t deleted it.  Just hidden. As I mentioned before, I always get the sam level of award.  They know I’m good enough to deserve some attention, but my personal style and personal vision are obviously NOT in vogue right now.  So do I stick with what I enjoy or literally ‘shoot for the hip and trendy’?

My husband recently found an interesting blog post on this very subject by Ellen Borggreve. From “Photography is not a Competition”:

“Even though there are photographic competitions, photography itself and art in general is not a competition. In the creative process there is no finish line, no competitors, no comparison. All creative endeavours are in their essence subjective, personal and incomparable. Yet the modern digital reality has created this sense of urgency and competition which I feel is hugely detrimental to art.”

Honestly I wouldn’t know how to shoot for the ‘hip and trendy’ because I do photography to make myself happy.  As Comfort and a personal creative outlet.   I find online activities like the recent #camerachallenge add some spice and allow me to interact with more like-minded photographers.  I will be keeping my Publications Page, because that actually does matter.

If I enter a contest I will still post the results here.  But no more “Now Showing”  because I don’t want THAT to be my focus……..And what people on Twitter, Instagram, Blogspot or WordPress find interesting, may not be what’s interesting TO ME.


Sacred Datura from my Garden; Kodak T-MAX 400; cropped from a Mamiya 645 frame with 80 mm Macro Lens.