Tag Archives: Fuji GA645Zi

Low Vision Photography (LVP)

Aha! You thought I was gone. But I’m back. Those of you who have followed my illness know where I’ve been. The rest of you can read about it here. For the last few months I’ve been thinking about what I want to do with my photography. A recent article by Chris Gampat about low vision photography (LVP) inspired me to give it a try. 

People often wonder how one can do photography while blind. So first let’s define what what we mean by low vision photography. Low vision isn’t exactly blind. Many of us learned photography while we still had some vision. This is why the phrase low vision is more accurate than blind. Chris learned photography after he had lost much of his vision. I’ve only recently lost significant vision, but I’ve been doing photography all of my adult life. 

To illustrate this, here are two images (one above & one below) of the same subjects and scene. The first one, the blurred one, is somehow more compelling than the second, which is technically more correct.

Here are two more images. They are abstract because of the lighting and the exposure. They both have some interesting elements in common, such as strong back lighting, and some that are not, such as motion blur.

Which one do you prefer? And why?

Alternate 5-Frames: HearseCon 2018

So here we go.  I’ve decided to re-publish my Emulsive Articles here, after this particular submission disappeared into the ether of the internet.  I explained my position and recommendations on the subject here. All re-publishings will be marked as “Alternate”.

So here is Alternate 5-Frames HearseCon 2018:

5 Frames of Lomo 400, Exposed @ ISO 400 (645 120 Format) by Kathleen Johnson

Here is an introduction to a local festival that may surprise you! And a camera that I have not mentioned before, although it is featured in my contributor’s portrait: My Fuji GA645Zi. This is my medium format street photography choice because of the auto focus and zoom capabilities. Read the Camera Review on EMULSIVE here. I’m not so negative about that camera as the reviewer. I wanted a ’point and shoot’ medium format camera and that’s what it is.

Now for the Festival: HearseCon 2018. Yes it is what it sounds like, an annual convention held here in the Denver area for Hearse Enthusiasts. They come from all across the Western US and Canada, some with beautifully restored Hearses, as you will see here today. Think of HearseCon as a Goth Cultural Experience for Grown-Ups and you’ve got the Picture. There are Hearse Show events across the country if you ever want to experience one, but I think this is one of the largest.

In the past I’ve used B&W film for HearseCon, because I thought it would capture the grittiness of the event. Last year I tried Lomo Lady Grey 400, but I wasn’t satisfied with the results using this particular film, and I’ve found the GA645Zi shines best with color film. So I pulled out the Lomo 400 Color, because I didn’t quite want the sharpness of Portra 400. In other words, Lomo 400 has a bit more grain and that suits the subject matter. Sometimes hard to know what the focus point will be with the GS645Zi, but the subject turned out very sharp anyway……..



About the Car: My bad, I took a cell phone picture of the information sign, but didn’t write anything down (and didn’t check the image before leaving). The joke was on me because I couldn’t read the sign later. But thanks to the Internet I was able to narrow down the Model and Year. Above is likely a Vintage 1937 Buick model, Sayers and Scoville Byzantine Hearse with a straight-8 engine. The Owners were from Utah. Sayers and Scoville is still building custom hearses.

You’ll find more HearseCon Images Past & Present Here.


Online Gallery Rip Off?

Remember that a while back I announced my submission to the 1650 Gallery for “BLURRY”?

Imagine my surprise when I find out by accident that my submission was accepted, BUT NOBODY TOLD ME!  No Notification of any kind, and I’ve searched all my emails including Spam and Trash.  I am PISSED!


And I feel very cheated.  I will not submit anything to the 1650 Gallery Again!