Tag Archives: Front Range Colorado

Mining History in Pueblo, CO

Pueblo, Colorado was the location of Colorado’s Steel Industry. Oh, you mean that you didn’t know there was, and to a lesser extent still is a stell industry here. Now mostly oriented towards recycling.

They has=ve a wonderful, but very small museum. dont have any photos because I was using my digital camera which decided to malfunction. OK, I deserve that because I am supposed to be a film photographer, so focussing on film for this trip was a major error.

But I did take along a film camera and did make a few good shots.

This was one of the buildings that survives from the old mining history. It now belongs to the Historical Society and is being remodel as a new headquarters and Museum home.

If you want to lesrn more sbout Pueblo’s History, CLICK HERE.

Frugal Film 2021: Gross Dam & Reservoir

My February 2021 offering to the Frugal Film Project. Almost didn’t make the deadline last week, but fortunately my film turnaround time at Old School Photo Labs was quick. Thank you guys! So here it is:

Gross Dam & Reservoir

On one of our afternoons wandering the Foot Hills of the Rocky Mountain Front Range, we ventured to one of our favorite sights: Groos Dam and Reservoir.

The Gross Dam is part of an extensive network of reservoirs that supply the Denver Water System. It was named for Denver Water former Chief Engineer Dwight D. Gross. 

Approved for expansion July 2020. The design of the addition  is expected to be completed in 2021.  It will add 10 feet to the height of the dam.

Summary of the Current Numbers

Capacity: 41,811 acre-feet

Elevation: 7,282 feet

Surface Area:  440 Acres

Shoreline:  10.9 miles

More information available at Denver Water: https://www.denverwater.org/recreation/gross-resevoir

Agfo 6X9 Billy Clack No. 74.

Tri-X 400 Film


Sharin sone B&W images fron a stormy dat in Sith Park, Yes there is a real Sotyh Park, but it’s the name of a valley noy a town.

There IS a Ghost Town (not totally deserted) named Como. It used to be a major hub of the Rail Road, Well start with the Old School House, now the Civic Center:

And also the local Church, I believe it is Methodist. Around here that’s always a good guess:

You can see to the left the home of one of the current residents, Most of the inhabitant live in older cottages from the RR days. Visit the links below for more ty[ical views of Como and the Annual Festival.


Como Doors
